DUALMON consortium is constituted of the partners who are chosen on the basis of their competences, experience they have gained on similar projects and successful cooperation in the past.
In the project implementation, 12 partners will take part. Partners are: 1 HEI from Montenegro (University of Montenegro ), 3 HEI from program countries (the University of Novi Sad from Serbia, FH Joanneum Gesellschaft M.B.H. from Austria, Academia from Slovenia), 2 policymakers from Montenegro (Ministry of Education and Agency for Control and Quality Assurance of Higher Education), and 6 influential representatives of enterprises in Montenegro (Chamber of Economy Montenegro, Crnogorska plovidba AD Kotor (ships building), Voli Trade d.o.o., Uhura Solutions, Hotels Group Montenegro Stars, and Crnogorski Telekom AD Podgorica).
All partners are equally involved in all WPs and project teams are consisting of people specialized in different but relevant areas and with great professional and organizational experience. The University of Novi Sad has the most accurate experience in setting up the dual education system in higher education and is going to be the project coordinator. The quality of partners selected from Montenegro is the guarantee for the implementation of project results and sustainability of the project.
As project partner, Ministry of Education will provide support to the development of a generic dual model in higher education (DUALMON model) for Montenegro and with other partners they will prepare the draft legislation documents to be adopted by the government.
Chosen program country partners are selected according to their specific expert knowledge and experience mostly in the following fields: HE development, change management, legal reform, dual higher education development, and implementation. An important factor in choosing partners from program countries was the need to have partners with experience in introducing dual educational programs from different countries /systems/approaches. The expertise and competencies of these partners in the field of dual education in higher education will be crucial for proper knowledge and experience transfer to HEIs from Montenegro.
As dual higher education would not be possible without the interest from and benefits for industry, our non-academic partners, Chamber of Economy Montenegro and 5 companies, will identify and mobilize proper industry partners. Industry partners will be involved in system development and testing dual models through pilot projects. Great experience in various project implementation and already established linkages between project partners will contribute to project implementation.