Project activities and methodology
WP1 Research and needs analysis: Project starts with kick-off meeting. Based on the analysis of EU practice, experiences and legislation in the area of dual HE, report on the state-of-the-art of dual HE will be prepared with recommendations. The second report will summarize the results of the surveys and interviews with the companies. Activities: 1.1 Analysis of practices and experiences in program countries; 1.2 Study visits to program countries; 1.3 Survey of companies needs for DHE in Montenegro. Milestones: Review of the best practices and experiences in DHE finished (M5, 15 programs); Study visits finished (M17, 3 visits until M11); Report on survey on companies published (M5, 5 interviews until M4).
WP2 Generic Dual HE Model (DUALMON model): Generic model of dual education in HE will be developed taking into account opinions given by stakeholders. DUALMON model will represent a base for development of specific dual models n WP4, as well as proposals for improvement of legal framework regarding dual HE in Montenegro. The model will include the set of defined contractual documents. Activities: 2.1 Development of generic DUALMON model; 2.2 Organization of Conference on DUALMON added value to industrial sector; 2.3 Discussion Forum on the proposed DUALMON model with key stakeholders and policy makers. Milestones: DUASCI model published (M14); DUALMON conference finished (M14); Discussion forum finished (M14).
WP3 Creation of Legal and Quality Assurance Conditions for Implementation of dual HE: Project team with stakeholders will develop proposals for change of legal framework and QA standards in HE in order to create legal base for introduction of dual education into HE. 3 working groups will be made for amendments of law on HE and DE, labour law and taxes, and accreditation. These working groups will create the proposals and submit them to the authorities. Special contribution in this WP will be by Ministry of Education. At the final phase of this WP a document on Recommendations to HEIs in Montenegro on how to implement dual HE will be created, in order to initiate implementation of DE in the entire Montenegro. Activities: 3.1 Creating amendments to the law on HE and creating a draft law on DE; 3.2 Creating amendments to the Labour law; 3.3 Creating amendments to the Accreditation Criteria; 3.4 Discussion forum on draft proposals of amendments; 3.5 Creating recommendations to HEIs in Montenegro how to implement DHE. Milestones: 3 working groups established (M16); Amendments to laws and draft law on DE submitted to governments (M18); Amendments to accreditation standards submitted to accreditation committee (M18); Recommendation to HEIs on implementation of dual HE published (M18);
WP4 Pilot testing of the generic DUALMON model: Each participating faculty from UOM develops at least one own specific dual model. HEIs will create detailed plan of DE programme, purchase equipment and create training materials in cooperation with companies and partners from program countries. After finalization of pilot dual program, the analysis of the results will be performed. The toolkit will be designed as a resource for academic staff and industrial supervisors in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the dual education components. The toolkit will facilitate the synchronisation between university-based and workplace-based study elements. Activities: 4.1 Identification and conceptual definition of specific dual models; 4.2 Presenting specific dual models to companies and making agreements for participation; 4.3 Planning of pilot testing of specific dual models; 4.4 Purchase of equipment; 4.5 Development of training materials; 4.6 Development of toolkit for implementation and documentation of dual practice-integrated HE programmes; 4.7 Pilot implementation and testing of specific dual models; 4.8 Analysis of the results of pilot testing. Milestones: 50% of agreements signed by M19 of the project; 50% of pilot test started by the end of M21 of the project; 100% of teaching, training and learning material for the next semester prepared before semester start; Description of 3 specific dual models finished (M14); 4 agreements with companies participating in pilot testing signed (M12); Plan for pilot testing finished (M18); Material for pilot testing finished (M24); Toolkit published (M27); Equipment installed (M16); Report on pilot testing published (M30).
WP5 Quality Control and Monitoring: Carried out according to quality plan and metrics for DUALMON. All partners will generate and submit internal quality reports with values of obtained indicators and reaching of milestones. All internal reports will be submitted to SC. SC will generate and submit final report. Also, two independent external experts will evaluate outputs of DUALMON project. Activities: 5.1 Defining plan for project quality control; 5.2 Internal project control and monitoring; 5.3 External evaluation. Milestones: Plan for QC finished (M4); Report on external evaluation published (M34).
WP6 D&E of Results: The main aim is to raise awareness among stakeholders and general audience for DHE. As new types of studies, it is important to be publically and professionally recognized as a significant new component of the HE system. The final conference will present all project outcomes and provide recommendation and guidelines for their successful implementation in Montenegro. Different kinds of activities are considered: social media profiles, participation at education fairs, presentations of specific dual models to secondary school pupils, etc. Activities: 6.1 Defining D&E plan; 6.2 Preparation of dissemination products; 6.3 Raising awareness about DUALMON and DE; 6.4 Preparation of the interim and final dissemination and exploitation report. 6.5 Final Conference. Milestones: D&E plan finished (M4); Promotional products printed (M8); Final Conference Proceedings published (M36).
WP7 Project management: The major decision-making body of the project will be Steering Committee (SC) which will consist of representatives from each partner. Local Committee (LC) will consist of representatives of Montenegro partners. Activities: 7.1 Overall project management; 7.2 Organization of coordination meetings; 7.3 Local project management; 7.4 Reporting. Milestones: Interim report submitted (M18); Final report submitted (M36).
The methodology has logical order of activities, with collecting information first, then discussion, production of outputs with continuous quality control. Activities and methodology mentioned above are based on the continuous and deep dialogue among stakeholders about all aspect of the project, especially taking into account economy and HE in Montenegro, specific characteristics of dual study programs, political system and legislative procedure in Montenegro.
WP1 Research and needs analysis: The kick-off meeting will make a solid basis for the start of the project. Although intensive dialogue among consortium members has been going on in the previous period, the kick-off meeting will offer opportunity to meet in person and to discuss different issues more intensively, especially when it comes to the action plan for the first year. UNS as the most experienced partner has to explain to all partners administrative and financial rules of the ERASMUS+. In order to develop good DE in HE, it is necessary to learn from the leaders in that area, most of all from examples of Austria and Slovenia. Also, it is necessary to understand the needs and opinions of stakeholders, especially of companies since they are representing the demand side of the labour market.
WP2 Generic Dual HE Model (DUALMON model): DUALMON model will represent a starting point for all stakeholders to understand the basic characteristics of DE in HE and for development of specific dual models, adjusted for specific characteristics of different industries and HEIs. DUALMON model will also be the starting point for development of legal framework, because issues like duration of work in company, obligations of HEIs and companies, contract between parties, working conditions etc. as topics in DUALMON model will be considered in legal framework.
WP3 Creation of Legal and Quality Assurance Conditions for Implementation of dual HE: This WP needs to respect the legal procedure in the country. Therefore, working groups (representative of related ministries will participate also) will prepare proposal for legal framework, then it will be sent to ministries, and ministries need to follow the legal procedure through government and parliament.
WP4 Pilot testing of the generic DUALMON model will offer valuable information about work based studies in real life situations in companies in Montenegro. The outputs will be set of reports and instruments for implementation of dual studies in HEIs across entire Montenegro. HEIs and companies will especially benefit from the toolkit as a resource for academic staff and industrial supervisors.
WP6 D&E of Results: Significant attention is dedicated towards this WP because success of the entire project and dual studies in HE depends on the number of stakeholders reached by dissemination. Entire WP is designed with the goal to spread results and to impact all types of stakeholders, especially policy makers, and to motivate introduction of DE in HE of the entire Montenegro.
WP5 Quality Control and Monitoring and WP7 Project management are defined in standard way in order for our small but diverse consortium to easy understand, follow and implement the plan of all activities, quality control and monitoring, reporting and project management.