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Results and reports

1.1 Pregled najboljih praksi i iskustava u DVO

1.1 Review of best practices and experiences in DHE

1.2.1 Report on study visit in Slovenia 3-8.10.2021

1.2.2 Report on study visit in Graz 25-29.4.2022

1.2.3 Report on Study visit to Serbia

1.3 Report on Survey of companies needs for Dual Higher Education in Montenegro

2.1 Generic and flexible MDHE for Montenegro

2.2 Conference on DUALMON added value on industrial sector

2.3 Discussion Forum on the proposed DUALMON model

3.1 Amendments to the law on higher education (draft law on HE)

3.2 Amendments to the Labour Law

3.3.1 Amendments to the acreditation standards MNE 

3.3.2 Amendments to the acreditation standards ENG

3.4 Discussion forum on draft proposals of ammendments

3.5 Recommendations to HEIs in Montenegro on how to implement DHE

3.6 Stategic implementation for the future (sustainability)

4.1.1 Specific model – Faculty of Maritime Studies Kotor

4.1.2 Specific model – Faculty of Electrical Engineering

4.1.3 Specific model – Faculty of Economics

4.1.4 Specific model – Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management

4.2 Presentation of specific dual models of HEIs to companies

4.3.1 Template Agreement with companies

4.3.2 Template Learning agreement with student

4.3.3 Agreement, company Crnogorska plovidba

4.3.4 Agreement, company Uhura Solutions

4.3.5 Agreement, company BIXBIT

4.3.6 Agreement, company Fleka

4.3.7 Agreements with company ETG GRUPA

4.3.7 Agreements with company KUCA HEMIJE DOO

4.3.7 Agreements with company LOGATE D.O.O.

4.3.7 Agreements with company VOLI TRADE

4.3.7 Agreements with company Neregelia

4.3.8 Agreement Veleteks DOO

4.4. Plan for pilot testing of the specific dual of FTHM

4.4. Plan for pilot testing of the specific dual of FoMS

4.4. Plan for pilot testing of the specific dual of FE

4.4. Plan for pilot testing of the specific dual of FEE

4.5.1 UOM FTHM – material for students

4.5.2 UOM EF – material for students

4.5.3 FEE, training material

4.5.4 UOM FMS, material for students

4.6 Toolkit for implementation and documentation of dual practice – integrated higher education programmes_final version

4.7 Equipment purchased and installed – Report

4.8 Analyzis of the results of pilot testing of each of specific dual models

5 1 Plan for project quality control

5.2.1 Indicators of progres November 2021

5.2.2 Internal project control and monitoring report

5.3.1 First external evaluation report

5.3.2 Second external evaluation report

6.1 Dissemination and exploitation plan

6.2 Promotional products

6.3. Rising awareness about dualmon and dual education

6.4 Final conference report

6.4.1 Interim report

6.4.2 Final disemination and exploitation report

7.1.1 SC Meeting 01 23.04.2021.

7.1.2 SC Meeting 02 5.10.2021

7.2.1 LC meeting, Podgorica 17.12.21

7.1.3 SC Meeting 03 26.04.2022

7.1.4 SC meeting minutes 04 22.12.2022.

7.1.5 SC meeting 05 31.03.2023

7.1.6 SC meeting 06 31.10.2023.

7.1.7 SC meeting 07 29.04.2024

7.1.7 SC meeting 07 29.04.2024 (1)

7.1.8 SC meeting 08 19.09.2024

External evaluation of DHE programmes based on ISG standards