Work package type and ☒ | PREPARATION | 1 | ||
Title | Research and needs analysis | |||
Related assumptions and risks | A: All stakeholders in Montenegro are interested in introduction of dual education in higher education
R: Representatives of some companies are not interested in participating in interviews |
Description | In this working package information about best practices in program countries regarding dual education will be collected and discussed. Partners from EU will lead this activity and at least 15 programs across different industrial sectors will be presented and discussed. Representatives of higher education, policy makers in HE, representatives of chamber of commerce from Montenegro will travel to program countries (Austria, Slovenia, and Serbia) to learn about practice of dual higher education. Parallel with study visits, a survey on companies about their needs regarding dual education across industries will be conducted. Chamber of commerce will help in data collection from companies. Each participating faculty at University of Montenegro will analyse needs of companies in their respective field. Results of the survey will be discussed on consortium meetings where representatives of different stakeholders will participate.
Milestones: 3 programme countries study visits conducted by the end of M11 of the project; at least 5 interviews with management companies in selected industrial sector performed by the end of M4. |
Tasks | 1.1 Analysis of practices and experiences in program countries;
1.2 Study visits to program countries; 1.3 Survey of companies needs for DHE in Montenegro |
Estimated Start Date (dd-mm-yyyy) | 15-02-2021 | Estimated End Date (dd-mm-yyyy) | 14-05-2022 | |
Lead Organisation | Academia | |||
Participating Organisation | All partners are participating in this work package. | |||
Please explain the necessary costs for this WP: What travels are necessary? If equipment is requested, explain why it is required. If subcontracting is necessary, explain why the task cannot be performed by the partner. |
Staff costs are necessary in order to collect data, analysing it and make a report about best practices of dual education across Europe, to conduct survey on companies and interviews, to make report on survey, to organize and conduct study visits and meetings. Travel costs are necessary for participation at kick-off meeting and transfer of knowledge in the field of dual education during study visits to program countries. Travel costs are reduced to minimum because many project activities (workshops, meetings of committees, discussion about different aspects of dual education and legal framework) are joined with kick-off meeting and study visits.
Subcontracting is necessary for professional printing of reports. Project partners do not have these kinds of services in their portfolio. |
Work package type and ☒ | DEVELOPMENT | 2 | ||
Title | Generic Dual Higher Education Model (DUALMON model) | |||
Related assumptions and risks | A: High interest of all stakeholders in Montenegro about introduction of dual higher education
R: Key stakeholders and policy makers are not interested to participate in discussion forum |
Description | In this working package project team will develop dual higher education model for Montenegro – DUALMON model. This model will be flexible and generic, with possibility to be adjusted and implemented in all parts of Montenegro. DUALMON model will summarize the needs of all stakeholders, from companies and HEIs to students and policy makers, collected and analysed in the first work package. The model will offer flexible solutions regarding communication between students, HEIs and companies, duration of internship, financial incentives, student wages, exams, contractual documents etc.
The Conference on DUALMON added value on industrial sector will be held by the end of the M14, with the topic of improvement of competencies of dual students with respect to the needs of companies. Participation of wide range of stakeholders is provided by ministries and chamber of commerce in Montenegro.
DUALMON model will represent a base for development of specific dual models in WP4, as well as proposals for improvement of legal framework regarding dual higher education in Montenegro.
The model will include the set of defined contractual documents: the final form of templates/documents for the implementation of the practical phases will be established (letters of intention, agreements for practical stages in companies, timetables, labour protection forms, final assessment reports). Chamber of commerce will advise on the specific legal and labour contract issues. Partners from program countries will share contract example documents and good practices.
Tasks | 2.1 Development of generic DUALMON model
2.2 Organization of Conference on DUALMON added value to industrial sector 2.3 Discussion Forum on the proposed DUALMON model with key stakeholders and policy makers |
Estimated Start Date (dd-mm-yyyy) | 15-08-2021 | Estimated End Date (dd-mm-yyyy) | 14-03-2022 | |
Lead Organisation | University of Montenegro (Faculty of Economics) | |||
Participating Organisation | All partners are participating in this work package. | |||
Please explain the necessary costs for this WP: What travels are necessary? If equipment is requested, explain why it is required. If subcontracting is necessary, explain why the task cannot be performed by the partner. |
Staff costs are necessary for work on development of generic DUALMON model, preparation and running of conference and discussion forum, preparation of reports.
Travel expenses are necessary for participation of all partners at conference and discussion forum in Montenegro.
Subcontracting is necessary for professional printing of reports. Project partners do not have these kinds of services in their portfolio. |
Work package type and ☐ | DEVELOPMENT | 3 | ||
Title | Creation of Legal and Quality Assurance Conditions for Implementation of dual higher education | |||
Related assumptions and risks | A: There is the support for DHE from the government in Montenegro
R: There is the risk of the change of priorities in governmental policy R: The authorities are not willing to accept the proposed amendments to the laws R: The accreditation authorities of Montenegro is not willing to accept the proposed amendments to accreditation standards |
Description | In this working package project team with representatives of stakeholders will develop proposals for change of legal framework and quality assurance standards in higher education in order to create legal base for introduction of dual education into higher education of Montenegro. It is foreseen that the changes on law on higher education, labour law and accreditation standards is necessary. For 3 legal and educational acts, 3 working groups will be made. In all working groups representatives of HEIs, policy makers, students and companies (engaged through chamber of commerce) will participate.
These working groups will create the documents with the proposal of the amendments for considered legal acts and submit them to the authorities. In the first phase, the documents will follow the legal practice from programme countries considered within the WP1, especially the example from Serbia because of similar legal framework and recent experience regarding implementation of dual education into higher education. This is why the study visit to Serbia is planned right before the work in this WP. The changes in all other secondary laws connected to these law will be proposed as well. Special contribution to this WP will be done by Ministry of education. In addition, at the final phase of this WP a document on Recommendations to HEIs in Montenegro on how to implement dual higher education will be created, in order to initiate implementation and development of dual education in the entire Montenegro. Milestones: 3 working groups established and start their work by the end of M16 of the projects |
Tasks | 3.1 Creating amendments to the law on higher education and creating a draft law on dual education
3.2 Creating amendments to the Labour law 3.3 Creating amendments to the Accreditation Criteria 3.4 Discussion forum on draft proposals of amendments 3.5 Creating recommendations to HEIs in Montenegro how to implement DHE |
Estimated Start Date (dd-mm-yyyy) | 15-04-2022 | Estimated End Date
(dd-mm-yyyy) |
14-06-2022 | |
Lead Organisation | University of Montenegro (Faculty of Economics) | |||
Participating Organisation | All partners are participating in this work package. | |||
Please explain the necessary costs for this WP: What travels are necessary? If equipment is requested, explain why it is required. If subcontracting is necessary, explain why the task cannot be performed by the partner. |
Staff costs are necessary for work on amendments to law and creation of proposal for new law on dual education, and accreditation criteria. Also, staff costs are predicted for work on recommendations to HEIs.
Travel costs are necessary mostly for partners from Montenegro in order to meet and work on amendments and proposals of legal framework.
Subcontracting is necessary for professional printing of reports and recommendations for HEIs. Project partners do not have these kinds of services in their portfolio. |
Work package type and ☐ | DEVELOPMENT | 4 | ||
Title | Pilot testing of the generic DUALMON model | |||
Related assumptions and risks | A: Companies will offer the employment to students with good competences obtained through dual education
A: As the result of raising awareness about dual education, there is an established interest of companies for dual programs R: Low interest of companies to sign agreements with HEIs to implement dual study program. R: Low interest of companies to offer paid internship or temporary paid jobs to students |
Description | Within this WP each participating faculty from University of Montenegro develops at least one own specific dual model in the selected industrial sector. The first task is the identification of industrial sector, the overall needs of companies in that sector and definition of the specific dual concept. Each HEI will present the defined specific dual concept to at least 10 selected companies in order to make agreements for their participation in dual study programme. After agreement with companies on their participation in dual higher education, HEIs will create detailed plan of dual educational programme, purchase relevant equipment and create training materials in cooperation with companies and partners from program countries. The core of this WP is the implementation of specific dual models. After finalization of dual programmes implementation, the analysis of the obtained results will be performed. This analysis will include the employer’s satisfaction, number of employed dual students, the number of work positions that participating companies offered to dual students, the number of enrolled dual students, social structure of enrolled students and other relevant statistics. The toolkit will be designed as a resource for academic staff and industrial supervisors in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the dual education components. The toolkit will contain a flowchart, checklists, guidelines, as well as standardized procedures and forms for the documentation of the communication process as a mean for assessment of students’ performance and documentation for the quality assurance. The output will facilitate the synchronisation between university-based and workplace-based study elements.
Milestones: 50% of agreements signed by M19 of the project; 50% of pilot test started by the end of M21 of the project; 100% of teaching, training and learning material for the next semester prepared before semester start. |
Tasks | 4.1 Identification and conceptual definition of specific dual models
4.2 Presenting specific dual models to companies and making agreements for participation 4.3 Planning of pilot testing of specific dual models 4.4 Purchase of equipment 4.5 Development of training materials 4.6 Development of toolkit for implementation and documentation of dual practice-integrated higher education programmes 4.7 Pilot implementation and testing of specific dual models 4.8 Analysis of the results of pilot testing |
Estimated Start Date (dd-mm-yyyy) | 15-08-2021 | Estimated End Date
(dd-mm-yyyy) |
14-06-2023 | |
Lead Organisation | University of Montenegro (Faculty of Electrical Engineering) | |||
Participating Organisation | All partners are participating in this work package. | |||
Please explain the necessary costs for this WP: What travels are necessary? If equipment is requested, explain why it is required. If subcontracting is necessary, explain why the task cannot be performed by the partner. |
Staff costs are necessary for the work on development of specific dual models, development of pilot testing, purchase of equipment, development of toolkit, analysis of the results of pilot testing, organisation of meetings.
Travel expenses are necessary for partners in order to participate at meetings and monitor the pilot testing of specific dual models in Montenegro.
Equipment is required in order to conduct pilot testing. Part of the pilot testing will be at HEIs and they need to have adequate equipment in order to conduct part of dual education in their premises.
Subcontracting is necessary for professional printing of reports, training materials and toolkit. Project partners do not have these kinds of services in their portfolio. |
Work package type and ☐ | QUALITY PLAN | 5 | ||
Title | Quality Assurance and Monitoring | |||
Related assumptions and risks | A: High commitment of participating institutions
R: Lack of knowledge of quality standards by partners |
Description | The quality control and monitoring process will be performed following the conditions and requirements of the project, especially relying on the experience of EU partners that have successfully implemented dual study programs and already involved in Erasmus+ project CWIHE. The quality control and monitoring consists of 3 activities planned for the entire duration of the project, which will deliver the final outcome of the work package. The purpose of these activities is:
· Development of quality and assessment plan · Internal project monitoring and control · Report on external evaluation During the course of the project, quality control will be carried out according to developed quality and assessment plan. Quality control of the project will be done through a series of evaluation meetings, especially through a series of Local Committee meetings; all organized and linked to other project events, for the reasons of cost-effectiveness. At these meetings the project directions can be discussed, and eventual corrections can be initiated. The kick-off meeting at the beginning of the project will assure that all project members will have the same notions about the quality assurance process. All partners will generate and submit internal reports about performed quality control activities in DUALMON project. They will be in contact with each other and resolve problems about reaching of milestones. All internal reports will be submitted to Steering Committee, which will generate and submit final report about quality. By public call two external experts will be chosen to evaluate the outputs of the DUALMON project and to write the report.
Milestones: Draft version of plan for project quality control created by end of M4 |
Tasks | 5.1 Defining plan for project quality control
5.2 Internal project control and monitoring 5.3 External evaluation |
Estimated Start Date (dd-mm-yyyy) | 15-01-2021 | Estimated End Date
(dd-mm-yyyy) |
14-01-2024 | |
Lead Organisation | FH Joanneum Gesellschaft M.B.H | |||
Participating Organisation | All partners are participating in this work package. | |||
Please explain the necessary costs for this WP: What travels are necessary? If equipment is requested, explain why it is required. If subcontracting is necessary, explain why the task cannot be performed by the partner. |
Staff costs in this WP are necessary development of plan for project quality control, project control and monitoring, preparation for external evaluation and reporting on quality control activities.
Travelling expenses are necessary for project control and monitoring, but mostly these travels are joined with study visits in WP1 and meetings in other WPs.
Subcontracting: external evaluation of the project results by two experts chosen by public call, translation services (performed by professional translator, only in the case of documents of highest importance, like contracts, official reports etc.). Project partners do not have these kinds of services in their portfolio. |
Work package type and ☒ | DISSEMINATION & EXPLOITATION | 6 | ||
Title | Dissemination and Exploitation of Results | |||
Related assumptions and risks | A: The participating staffs are interested and motivated in dissemination and exploitation of project results.
A: High level of knowledge and skills that are required for dissemination and exploitation process. R: Lack of stakeholder support after the project is completed |
Description | The aim of dissemination is to bring project aims, benefits and results close to participants and stakeholders in the academic as well as non-academic world of the participating countries and beyond. The key goal of this WP is to raise awareness of all stakeholders about benefits of DUALMON which should ensure sustainability of project results end initiate development of dual study program across the entire Montenegro. Additionally, this will be a possibility to promote development of study programs based on dual education. With help of non-academic partners (ministry, chamber of commerce) and associated partners, wide range of stakeholders will be reached with our dissemination activities and products.
This WP starts with project’s visual identity (project logo, motto and web site). Further on, different kinds of activities are considered: social media sites, participation at education fairs, presentations of specific model of dual education to college students, etc. The final dissemination report is to be prepared in last stages of the project. At the end, final conference will be organized with the aim of demonstration of achievements of the project and working out plans for the sustainability of project result.
Tasks | 6.1 Defining dissemination and exploitation plan
6.2 Preparation of dissemination products 6.3 Raising awareness about DUALMON and dual education 6.4 Preparation of the interim and final dissemination and exploitation report 6.5 Final Conference
Estimated Start Date (dd-mm-yyyy) | 15-01-2021 | Estimated End Date (dd-mm-yyyy) | 14-01-2024 | |
Lead Organisation | University of Montenegro (Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality) | |||
Participating Organisation | All partners are participating in this work package. | |||
Please explain the necessary costs for this WP: What travels are necessary? If equipment is requested, explain why it is required. If subcontracting is necessary, explain why the task cannot be performed by the partner. |
Staff costs are necessary for development of D&E plan, design of visual identity, promotion of project and its results, raising awareness, development of website, development of promotional material, and organization of final conference.
Travelling expenses are necessary for participation at the dissemination events (conferences, promotion in media, visits to companies and other stakeholders etc.).
Subcontracting: advertising in media (performed by broadcast companies), flyers and posters, printing of promotional material, project logo, motto and promotional materials, (performed by printing and publishing companies), translation services (performed by professional translator, only in the case of documents of highest importance, like contracts, official reports etc.). Project partners do not have these kinds of services in their portfolio. |
Work package type and ☒ | MANAGEMENT | 7 | ||
Title | Project management | |||
Related assumptions and risks | A: Good coordination and high commitment of the project partners is necessary
A: Unpredictable administrative delays must be anticipated early in the project A: Good coordination and high commitment in the SC and LC R: The change of financial resources for one’s own participation in the project. R: The change of management and members of the project team. R: The change of legal regulations and rules of the study program and accreditations. R: The inability of all members of the SC to be present on project meetings. |
Description | University of Novi Sad (UNS), as project coordinator, will perform the planning, organization, coordination and control functions to ensure effective implementation of the project. UNS will establish and strengthen functional connections with all partner institutions and support them in achieving their goals and achieving planned project tasks. At the beginning of the project, all project partners will attend a kick-off meeting to ensure that all partners have the same understanding of the project management principles and tasks to be performed. The kick-off meeting will take place in Podgorica. Partner institutions and members of project management will communicate on daily basis via e-mail, phone, Skype, etc. During the period of the project, beside kick-off meeting, 6 coordination meetings will be organized (once every six months) for discussing issues that arise during the project and coordination of the following project activities. Estimated duration of these meetings is 2-4 days.
In the case of partners from Montenegro, Local Committee (LC) will be organized for implementation of project activities and reporting on the overall project management to the Steering Committee (SC). LC will be responsible for the project implementation at national level and the preparation of 2 annual reports to the SC. LC will meet twice a year. One person will be selected from each partner institution, who will be responsible for the visibility of project activities, i.e. activities related to public relations and promotion of the project activities at the national / institutional level. Representatives of national educational institutions will be regularly informed and kept informed of progress in the project but will not be directly involved in the LC. This work package consists of 4 complex activities for entire duration of the project, which will deliver the final outcome of the work package. The purpose of these activities are: • Organization of project coordination meetings • Coordination of overall project activities and in working packages monitored by Steering Committee • Local project management • Conducting monitoring and financial auditing with interim and final reporting |
Tasks | 7.1 Overall project management
7.2 Organization of coordination meetings 7.3 Local project management 7.4 Reporting |
Estimated Start Date (dd-mm-yyyy) | 15-01-2021 | Estimated End Date
(dd-mm-yyyy) |
14-01-2024 | |
Lead Organisation | University of Novi Sad | |||
Participating Organisation | All partners are participating in this work package. | |||
Please explain the necessary costs for this WP: What travels are necessary? If equipment is requested, explain why it is required. If subcontracting is necessary, explain why the task cannot be performed by the partner. |
Staff costs are necessary for successful and permanent coordination and management of all project activities, for local project management and elaborate reporting of project partners to SC, and from DUALMON consortium to EACEA.
Travelling expenses are necessary for participation at the meetings of steering committee and local committee, but mostly these travels are joined with kick-off meeting and study visits in WP1 and other WPs.
Subcontracting: Audit control of the entire project by audit company, printing for management purpose, (performed by printing and publishing companies), translation services (performed by professional translator, only in the case of documents of highest importance, like contracts, official reports etc.). Project partners do not have these kinds of services in their portfolio. |