Out of a total of 1,005 registered projects for funding for 2020 within the Erasmus + Capacity Building in Higher Education program, among the 164 approved projects is a project in which the Faculty of Economics of the University of Montenegro participated as a partner institution.
Namely, the project Strengthening capacities for the implementation of dual education in Montenegro higher education (DUALMON) refers to the development of dual education in higher education in Montenegro and will be implemented in the next three years.
The project coordinator is the University of Novi Sad and FH Joanneum Gesellschaft M.B.H from Austria and ACADEMIA-service company from Slovenia are partners. In the formal sense, the holder of the project in Montenegro is the University of Montenegro, while the Faculty of Economics is in charge of the essential management and implementation of the project, and in addition the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Maritime Studies and Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality will be included.
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