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Successfully realized conference on dual higher education – dual education becomes part of the formal education system in Montenegro

The first conference on dual higher education in Montenegro was held as part of the final phase of the project “Strengthening capacities for the implementation of dual education in Montenegro higher education- DUALMON.” The conference presented key outcomes of the Dualmon project, highlighted the experiences of key stakeholders, outlined achieved results and plans for the project’s sustainability, and provided recommendations and guidelines for the further implementation of this type of education in Montenegro.

The organization of this conference represents an extremely important step towards strengthening the collaboration between the academic community and the industry, ensuring the improvement of the quality of higher education and increasing the employability of young people. The conference also provided a unique opportunity for networking and exchange of experiences between faculties, business partners, and relevant institutions, further reinforcing the shared vision for the development of dual higher education in Montenegro. Through discussions and idea exchanges, participants had the opportunity to explore the possibilities this model offers, including changes in legislation and the project’s sustainability.

Welcoming the attendees, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Prof. Mijat Jocović PhD, emphasized the significance of the DUALMON project in aligning higher education with labor market needs, as well as the importance of strengthening the infrastructural capacities of the University of Montenegro through valuable equipment received. The project coordinator, Prof. Mirko Savić PhD, highlighted that the dual higher education project has been successfully implemented in several countries, with the opportunity to participate in more projects, but that DUALMON is one of the most successful projects he has been involved in so far. For this reason, he expressed special gratitude to his colleagues from Montenegro and all partners. Montenegro, along with Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, is the third country in the region to receive this Erasmus+ project, and the experience of neighboring countries and the assistance of partners from Slovenia and Austria have been invaluable.

The project leader at the University of Montenegro, Prof. Boban Melović PhD, presented the key project results, showcasing the generic DUALMON model and outlining the challenges for the further development of dual higher education in Montenegro. Professor Melović stressed that dual education is not just a tool for acquiring knowledge and skills—it is an investment in the future of Montenegro’s education system, in its ability to adapt to modern trends, create new value, and build a sustainable and competitive economic system. By working together, with the support of all relevant stakeholders, we can build an education system that will provide future generations with practical knowledge and skills, while enabling Montenegro to develop a competitive, dynamic economy, concluded professor Melović.

MSc Dragana Ćetković, Acting General Director of the Directorate for Higher Education and Student Standards in the Ministry of Education, Science, and Innovation, spoke about the implementation of dual education in Montenegro through the lens of proposed amendments to the Law on Higher Education. The Ministry has demonstrated its readiness to create an institutional framework that will enable further development and successful implementation of dual education. By developing a generic model of dual education and creating an adequate legal framework, we are laying the foundation for the successful implementation of this innovative approach in higher education, said Ms. Ćetković.

The conference also addressed the challenges of implementing dual higher education in various fields, with faculty members: prof. Zdenka Dragašević PhD (Faculty of Economics), prof. Vesna Popović Bugarin PhD (Faculty of Electrical Engineering), prof. Špiro Ivošević PhD (Faculty of Maritime Studies), and PhD Jovana Janinović (Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality), who shared their experiences on the specificities of application of dual higher education model in individual faculties in Montenegro.   

In addition to Montenegro, the DUALMON project included also three partner countries (Austria, Slovenia, and Serbia), four faculties of the University of Montenegro, more than 15 companies, and over 40 students who participated in the pilot program, as well as institutions like the Agency for the Control and Quality Assurance of Higher Education, the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro, and others. Conference participants heard valuable experiences from companies, professors, and students involved in dual education programs, emphasizing its positive impact on skill development and employability.

The conference concluded with an open dialogue, allowing participants to exchange views and discuss the future of dual education in Montenegro.