One of the key phases of the Dualmon pilot project – “learning by doing”, during which students had the opportunity to do an internship within a company, was successfully brought to an end. During the past month, students of the Faculty of Economics, participants in the Dualmon pilot project, had the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills acquired during formal education in a real business environment, performing internships in 10 renowned companies operating on the Montenegrin market: Voli Trade, Veletex DOO, Addiko bank, Kuća Hemije, Delta Transportni Sistem, CKB Bank, ETG Grupa, Logate, Neregelia, and Crnogorski Telekom.
On the occasion of the end of internship, a ceremony was held at the Faculty of Economics on Wednesday, 21st June, 2023, where dual students awarded certificates of successful completion of the dual study model program – “learning by doing”. The certificates are awarded to 17 students: Ajla Muratović, Ana Malović, Anđela Šćekić, Azra Krnić, Eldina Kuč, Irena Caušević, Ivana Gorović, Jelena Vulević, Jovana Mrdak, Julija Ostojić, Milica Raičević, Nikola Spaić, Ognjen Nikčević, Sandra Peković, Saudin Muković, Semina Šarkinović, and Vesko Radulović.
In addition to members of the working team of the Dualmon project, students and employers, this event was also attended by the Dean and Vice Deans of the Faculty of Economics, minister of Finance of Montenegro, Aleksandar Damjanović with his associates, as well as representatives of the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro. Besides of that, professors of courses at which internship was implemented, as well as a significant number of other professors and teaching assistants of the Faculty of Economics also took part at the event.
This event enabled exchange of the impressions about the internship experience, where benefits of the Dualmon pilot project, which were recognized by both students and employers, were especially highlighted out. Besides of that, employers have expressed their willingness to provide internships for a larger number of dual students in the future as well, for a period that can be significantly longer than one month.
In this sense, it is important to point out that, based on the concept of the Dualmon project, the Student professional practice program was organized for the first time at the Faculty of Economics, with the main idea to increase the number of students who will be able to do internships in a company, in accordance with the principles on which Dualmon project is based.
As part of the Dualmon project and Student professional practice program, more than 100 third-year students of the Faculty of Economics performed internship within more than 50 Montenegrin employers. The certificates for students who participated in the Student professional practice program were also awarded at the same time as certificates for dual students, within the same ceremony. The aforementioned program testifies about the sustainability of dual education, whose foundations were laid precisely by piloting the Dualmon project, as well as about the readiness of both the Faculty of Economics and employers to implement the system of dual higher education in Montenegro even after the end of the project.