Currently active 24 Erasmus + projects at the University of Montenegro were presented by project managers from the Faculties of UCG, at a meeting held at the Rectorate of the University of Montenegro, with the aim of exchanging experiences, linking compatible projects and efficient mobilization of existing resources.
At the opening of the presentation, the Vice-rector for Internationalization, Prof. dr Sanja Peković said that universities today have a changed role compared to the traditional one.
“The change in the paradigm of science has led to the fact that university education has become instrumental and practically usable for solving accumulated problems in society and the economy,” said Vice-rector Peković.
Turning to internationalization, European and international standards, and adopting positive practices of other higher education institutions, UCG has transformed that into the Development Strategy 2019-2024 and the latest UCG Internationalization Strategy for the period 2021 – 2026, whose common denominator is strengthening and developing the profile of UCG, and thus increasing the international visibility and recognition of the University of Montenegro, and at the end result is providing high quality education, as well as scientific and artistic achievements of the University based on social and economic needs of Montenegro and beyond, “said Vice-rector Peković.
The leaders of 24 Erasmus + projects presented the implemented activities and concrete results that resulted from the projects for the benefit of not only faculties, but also local communities and Montenegrin society, presenting experiences from cooperation with international partners.
The goal of today’s gathering was to strengthen the interdisciplinary approach to solving the challenges faced by higher education institutions and the education system, and to strengthen the role of the university as a leading national scientific research institution and positioning in the center of sustainable and socio-cultural development.
Source: University of Montenegro