The dual education pilot program was presented to the representatives of the economy on the 12th of July at the Faculty of Economics in Podgorica. The pilot project includes the introduction of internships for students in the final semester of basic academic studies at the Faculty of Economics. The internship will last for a month and a half and it will be realised in companies that will be partners in the project. Head of the DUALMON project professor Boban Melović and Vice Dean for Academic Affairs at the Faculty of Economics professor Zdenka Dragašević explained at today’s presentation the intention that, in the spirit of dual education, students master part of the learning outcomes through practice in companies.
The working group from the Faculty of Economics has developed a dual education model that will initially be implemented in the Microeconomics module, in the 6th semester of basic academic studies, in the Economics study program. In this way, through professional practice, students would master in a real working environment part of the learning outcomes provided for the subjects: Human Resource Management, Trade Management, Financial Management, Entrepreneurship, Business Information Systems, Economic and Mathematical Methods and Models.
Additionally, the model involves the possibility of implementing dual education in other modules or disciplines, in accordance with the needs of the companies that will participate in the piloting of the project. All or part of the subjects from the module can be included in the piloting of the project. The representatives from faculty of Economics announced that the work of students in companies will begin in May 2023, after the students have mastered the theoretical knowledge necessary to solve everyday work tasks in companies.
Besides of the members of the project team, the meeting was attended by numerous representatives of the business sector, who expressed their satisfaction with this pilot project and their willingness to participate in it: Mladen Bajković on behalf of the ETG Group, Petar Mugoša as a representative of the Nall Group, Novica Čarapić from Uniqa osiguranje, Ivana Jovanović from the Neregelia company, Tijana Ivanović from Addiko bank, Lejla Hadžikić and Branko Branković from the Voli trade company, Aleksandra Dujović from Crnogorski Telekom, Žana Đurović on behalf of CKB BANK, Jovan Radnić from the Logate company, as well as Mladen Perazić from the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro.
It is important to point out that the implementation of the DUALMON project was previously supported by the companies Uhura Solutions, Crnogorska Plovidba and Montenegro Stars Hotel Group. The meeting was also attended by professor Jovan Đurašković, Vice Dean for Science and Cooperation with the Business Community, as well as members of the project team from the Faculty of Economics.
Link: Univerzitet Crne Gore (