First monitoring visit aimed at evaluation of the progress made in the implementation of the DUALMON project so far has been organized on Tuesday, 28th March, 2023 in Montenegro. On that occasion, the member of European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) held a Meeting with the Rector and the senior management of the University of Montenegro, with the aim to learn more about the general institutional context and the effective commitment and the facilities available to support the DUALMON project implementation. The monitoring visit continued on the same day in the premises of the Faculty of Economics, within which project members, representatives of the companies, professors and several dual students took part. On this occasion, the EACEA member discussed with the dual students, academic staff and representatives of the companies about their interest and the expectations of the project, as well as about their evaluation of the project dynamics and the quality of the project activities undertaken so far. The meeting continued with further discussion of the EACEA member with the project members from HEIs in charge for the implementation of the project and the representatives of the Agency for Control and Quality Assurance of Higher Education, during which special attention was paid to quality assurance, dissemination of the project results and the equipment purchased within the projects. The meeting ended with the informal feedback of the EACEA member, which expressed its satisfaction and positive evaluation of the project activities that are undertaken so far and gave several recommendations on the management of the dissemination of the project results in the forthcoming period.