Members of the working team during the third study visit, planned by the DUALMON project, stayed in Serbia, for the period from 29th March to 1st April 2023. During this study visit, project members had the opportunity to visit the University of Novi Sad and discuss their experiences in implementing dual higher education. The working team from Montenegro consisted of representatives of three faculties of the University of Montenegro, which are involved in the project (Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, and Faculty of Maritime Studies). Besides the representatives from the University, the working team also involved the representatives of the Agency for Quality Control of Higher Education and the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro, as well as representatives of companies that are partners in the project – Voli Trade doo, Crnogorska plovidba AD and Uhura Solutions.
The study visit lasted two days. The first day was dedicated to sharing experiences gained through DUALEDU project, with special emphasis placed on the legal framework and accreditation standards. On that occasion, project members also had the opportunity to discuss about external evaluation from EACEA at the University of Montenegro. The second of the study visit was dedicated to discussion about further activities that should be undertaken within DUALMON project, especially those related to establishing the sustainability of project outcomes, i.e. preparation of “Strategic Implementation for the future – Sustainability” document, in cooperation with ACADEMIA – project partner from Slovenia.